About 1974 my parents went to Hawaii, including touring the Arizona Memorial. My gifts from parents returning from an exotic vacation were awesome.
I was given a reproduced copy of the Honolulu paper's extra edition that said "WAR!" on it. It got folded and spindled into a small square, but somewhere I have that thing; it's yellowing and wrapped in cellophane.
At that time, being 8 years old, I also was a member of a scale model club. It was like a record club except that when you forgot to send your "No Thanks" card back, you got a plastic model each month. I had built an Apollo Module, Snoopy on his doghouse, cars, boats, motorcycles. So my parents' second Hawaii gift for me was a large model of the USS Arizona from Revell. I wish I had that now. It would be fun to build. I actually found a picture of the Revell model, but since I was 8, mine didn't look like this.
The third gift they brought me was the most treasured. I still have this. My son was even allowed to use it in school for a book report for History class even though it's a very short book. It's that well written and detailed.
It's "Pearl Harbor Story December 7, 1941" by William T. Rice. Published in 1971 this was a souvenir book from the gift store at the Arizona Memorial. I will always treasure this.
I have no point this week. It's just that because of these 3 gifts, I have always made sure I remember Pearl Harbor every year. So, this is year, I'm remembering by sharing a childhood memory. Hope you like it and will follow me https://twitter.com/awj9009