Friday, November 8, 2013

Inaugural Post- Wait, What?

Warning:  Episodes of Delusion portrayed below.  If you yourself are delusional, this could shatter your little Utopia.

Let's take over healthcare.  We'll create exchanges so that individuals can pool together.  We'll help pay for older people by getting younger people to enroll.  Oh, and you'll be able to stay on your parent's insurance until you're 26.

     Wait, what?

Yeah, and to make sure people enroll we'll mandate participation.  Oh, we can do that under the commerce clause, as it will be considered a tax.  If you make under $250,000 a year, we won't be raising your taxes.

     Wait, what?

And this thing is so good, that we'll pass it now in 2009, and as soon as the re-election campaign is over in 2012, we can start having everything kick in.

     Wait, what?

You get the idea here.  This plan never made sense to start with.  It depends on enrollment by 20 somethings, most of whom can be placed on parent's insurance, eliminating the need for 20 somethings to enroll.  They argued that it was a tax and got it through the SCOTUS on the grounds that it was a tax, then immediately came out denying it was a tax.  

It got through without a single Republican voting yes in the House and it came down to Ben Nelson in the Senate.  He claimed he wasn't selling out because he got a promise that Federal funding for abortions would be out.  That lasted until 5 minutes after the ink dried, and now Nelson lost all favor with Ne. Right To Life and Hobby Lobby has spent tons of money to fight for the right to keep things out of it's employer insurance that violates their religious principles.  Say it with me- Wait, what?

The last count I heard was 29 times:  the number of times that the President said "If you like your plan, you can keep it.  Period".  Now they already have a hard time understanding the phrase "the right of all citizens to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" so it shouldn't surprise me that they don't understand what PERIOD meant in that context.  The President has now said that he has said ALL ALONG that if you like your plan, *and it hasn't changed since the law was enacted*, then you can keep it.  So all I can think is Wait, What?

Each idea in this law, and each action since the disastrous roll-out has defeated other ideas and actions.  And yet super lefty progressive libs like my half-sister are still defending this thing.  By the way, the day it passed, she posted on Facebook "Praise the Lord".  A month ago she tried telling my other sister's son via Facebook that there was no forced mandate.  It's just delusional.  She still defends this turd.  

And I can't get people to see how this thing is at a minimum incompetence, at a maximum an intentional attempt to tank 1/6 of the economy and force people who wouldn't otherwise depend on the Government into single payer Government controlled health plans.  Anybody who has been treated at a V.A. Hospital knows that single payer is sub-par.  You get health care, but it can take months to be seen and if you can't prove certain things such as service connection to the illness/injury, it can take years for treatment, if approved at all.  I think this thing will eventually get enough push-back from the people that they won't have any choice but to start over, but I wish I knew how to bring that about faster.

-I am Adam Johnson.  I'm a Nebraskan, a conservative, and my biggest hobby these days is to live tweet Red Eye W. Greg Gutfeld.  My Facebook is generally for friends family and games, but if you like this, follow my political based Twitter @awj9009.